Student Newspaper at Michigan Tech University since 1921

Published Weekly on Tuesdays
Office Located in Walker 105

September 19, 2023

Husky Thoughts

What business would you like to see open up in Houghton? Answer: an Asian food place, a “sushi joint”  Name: Maxxamilian Adonis Dimitruck  Major: BioChem

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Makerspaces On Campus

On Michigan Tech’s campus there are several makerspaces available for students to use for free. One of these makerspaces is The Alley, located in the

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What is Canterbury House?

Do you know what they do in the yellow house across the highway from Michigan Tech’s campus? The Canterbury House is a cultural center open

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Campus Updates

Wednesday, Sep. 13 marked the third week that the USG board held their weekly meeting for the 2023-24 school year. In it, President Mason Krause

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