Hancock City Council
The Hancock City Council met April 6 for both the regular City Council meeting as well as a consecutive Budget
The Hancock City Council met April 6 for both the regular City Council meeting as well as a consecutive Budget
The Future Female Biologists Mentorship Program (FFBMP) is a project that fourth-year student, Jenna Disser, has created and will be
This week we asked the Dean of Students his preferred item for being stranded on an island. We also wanted
After finishing an impressive season for Michigan Tech, it didn’t take long until four Husky hockey players lined up their
Ask the Dean is a weekly column by MTU’s Dean of Students, Dr. Wallace Southerland III, where students can submit
This week at USG was the first meeting with the newly elected officers and representatives. USG wishes the previous body
The Graduate Student Government held their bi-monthly meeting on March 22 in EERC 103. USG Resolution No. 2021-2022 #002 was
On Thursday, March 17, Ukrainian students Adelina Oronova and Nazar Gora, along with Russian student Zenia (who prefers their last
Ask the Dean is a weekly column by MTU’s Dean of Students, Dr. Wallace Southerland III, where students can submit
In the early hours of March 13, fifth-year MTU students Zbigniew Bell and Paul Kovacic were settling in for the
The Michigan Tech men’s hockey season finally came to an end on March 24, as the Huskies lost to the
This week at USG, two visitors joined and gave presentations to the body. The first, Brady Good, presented on the
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