This week at USG

This week, USG members discussed implementing a mask mandate on the Thanksgiving break bus. They voted 8-6 to require masks on the break bus with six abstentions. Tickets for the break bus are currently sold out and emails will be sent to ticket holders with final reminders on Monday, Nov. 15, 2021. 

USG Vice President Sydney Dankert, who also acts as the USG liaison for the newly re-established organization Student Commission, discussed the organizations’ first meeting of the semester. Ms. Dankert expressed her enthusiasm about the re-establishment, saying that she is “so happy that this tradition has been reinstated.” Ms. Dankert discussed student concerns over lighting issues, primarily on the crosswalk between Wadsworth Hall and the Walker Building as well as the road which leads from the SDC to Wadsworth. Ms. Dankert reports that facilities management is aware of this issue and is working with the City Commission to improve lighting in these areas. 

USG VP Sydney Dankert will be resigning in December. USG wishes her the best in her future endeavors and is grateful for her exemplary service as Vice President. USG will be working on filling vacancies in their body.

Friends of the Library is looking for student feedback on how to improve the library. Suggestions should be dropped off at the USG suggestion box located in the MUB. 

If you have any questions or concerns for USG please email USG President Zachary Olson at or fill out the form on their website.


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