H-STEM Enterprise launches

Newest to the fleet of enterprise organizations at Michigan Tech is the only enterprise that focuses on health related to engineering, science, math, and technology, known as the H-STEM Enterprise.

Majors in biology, health sciences, biomedical engineering, humanities, and many more can find a place in this enterprise and gain valuable skills and experience. H-STEM has added 20 students to its ranks so far, but more are still needed for the enterprise to make the difference they strive for in the community’s health services. 

H-STEM’s students will collaborate on many projects within the realm of rehabilitation, health science, and health promotion. Some teams will also be geared towards providing the community with health tips to stop the spread of misinformation, as well as furthering health research in the surrounding areas. “Given the health challenges we are currently facing across the world, there is a tremendous need to provide more robust training for students in areas of health science, technology, and engineering,” says Steven Elmer, H-STEM Enterprise Advisor and Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology. H-STEM’s health-focused projects will not only educate Houghton and Hancock, but prepare its students for their future careers. Additionally, construction of the $45 million H-STEM building will begin soon, and is set to be completed in January of 2024.If you would like more information about the H-STEM Enterprise please contact the H-STEM Advisor, Steven Elmer, in the Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology (sjelmer@mtu.edu).

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