AISES raises concerns on cancelled event

A letter from the Editors

AISES raises concerns about canceled land acknowledgement event

The Michigan Tech American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) chapter sent a public statement and letter to staff members regarding the cancellation of “Guidance for (Land) Acknowledgements within Ojibwa Homelands,” an event due to take place on Nov. 30 of last year. The open letter was sent out in a blind carbon copy and was forwarded to The Lode team from our advisor. 

The main concern raised by AISES was their initial exclusion from the event and sloppy inclusion of them, which included only allowing AISES to review content days before the scheduled event. The event was then canceled at the last minute. The letter was sent out on Dec. 4th and was followed by a public statement sent out with the email on Dec. 6th. Please refer to our website,, for the full letter.

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