Student Newspaper at Michigan Tech University since 1921

Published Weekly on Tuesdays
Office Located in Walker 105

Husky Thoughts: Editors Edition!

What have you enjoyed most about the Lode this year?


“I had a great time working with the rest of the staff and being a part of the campus community.”






— Rachel Dick, Fourth-Year Scientific and Technical Communication Student


“The people I got to work with and the experience I gained.”






— Tim Peters, Second-Year Materials Science and Engineering Student


“I really liked getting to know all of the staff members better – after like six months of at least two meetings a week (sometimes more), we became a great team.”






— Lydia Derks, Second-Year Engineering Management Student



“Getting involved with The Lode has been one of the most rewarding decisions I’ve made during my time at Tech.”






— Joseph Schallmo, Third-Year Civil Engineering Student

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