Student Newspaper at Michigan Tech University since 1921

Published Weekly on Tuesdays
Office Located in Walker 105

Ask the Dean

Q: What has been the best part about being here so far?

I’m a sophomore now! Like other sophomores, I am still learning, figuring stuff out, and making some mistakes. But it’s all good. It’s perfectly fine to make mistakes on your journey. Just learn from them and move on. Life’s too short to be wallowing in self-pity.

Since joining Tech in July 2021, the best part of being here so far is my interaction with students. I l-o-v-e my Huskies! This may change in the future as I start to make tough decisions that students won’t like. But until then, I just wanna live in Husky bliss! In previous universities, I rarely had time to spend with students. I also wasn’t invited to too much either (SMH). Interestingly, being a vice president for student affairs and dean of students at Tech has certainly meant more work, but it has also given me the flexibility to spend more time getting to know students. Yep, I’m a shot-caller now!

I’m so appreciative to students for inviting me into their spaces to fellowship, listen, and learn. I love it when students drop by just to say “’Sup Dean” or speak to other staff. I continue to believe that Tech students are some of the best students I’ve had the pleasure of working with in my 30+ year career in higher education!

Some events students have invited me to: dinner with fraternities and sororities, meals in the dining halls, boxing practice, tennis practice, 5K races, Broomball, movie night, badminton, ultimate frisbee, Pep Band fashion show, costume contests, car washes, food nights, Vegas night, etc. I’ve already been invited by Alpha Sigma Tau to join them in their cardboard boat for this year’s races. 


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