100 years ago: The Lode

The following article ran in the April 6, 1922 issue of the M.C.M. Lode.


The Lode is a little over a year old. The first year has been beset with difficulties and obstacles that at times seemed almost insuperable. But somehow, some way the paper has persisted, until now, after weathering all the vicissitudes of the first year, it flourishes so vigorously that continued existence, development and improvement are assured.

This issue of the Lode marks the debut of a new editorial staff. Look at the top of this column and get acquainted with the men who are devoting their time to the welfare of M. C. M. Is your name on the list? If not, then what are you doing to help make known to other men the splendid start M. C. M. can give them in life?

The “Lode” is your paper. No single man or small group of men can make it a success. Its future wellbeing and progress demand the co-operation of every man in school. You can’t dodge the responsibility.

The “Lode” needs your subscription and it needs your news contributions. You can sit back in apathy and let others shoulder your obligations? 


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