Separation of church and state
“I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no
“I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no
PRO: Jon Jaehnig CON: Samm Stein ROUND 1 PRO: It is appropriate for Michigan Tech to call itself a four-year
Life tends to be full of losing and winning. Now, we try to ease the blow of a loss with
The sole purpose of social networking platforms like Facebook, Orkut or Myspace was to connect people. The purpose was to
Technology has its advantages and disadvantages. Over the last few decades, the rise in the use of technology for defense
Round 1 PRO (Samantha Stein): Let me start by saying this is not an anti-gun argument. This is me saying
We the people are obsessed with numbers. We are trained to quantify each and everything. As an engineer that is
The millennial generation gets a bad reputation. We’re thought of as lazy and narcissistic. According to Michael Castillo’s “Millennials are
I was walking through Walmart for my weekly shopping trip on Friday, picking up milk, when I saw it. There,
From the time we are old enough to understand language, we are indoctrinated with the idea that a monogamous marriage
PRO (Samantha Stein): Language is a strange thing. There are rules on what we can and cannot say that dictate
We human beings are social animals. We seek companionship for our wellbeing. We have a constant need to connect, communicate
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