Elections underway for new USG representatives

The time has come to make your voice heard in the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) elections. Until Sunday Mar. 24 at 5 p.m., you have the chance to cast your vote and determine the USG leaders who will represent you on campus. Positions for Second-, Third-, and Fourth-Year Representatives, as well as Business, Computing, Engineering, Sciences and Arts, and Forest Resources and Environmental Science representatives are to be voted on.

USG members play an important role in shaping campus policies and initiatives, advocating for their peers, and addressing and voting on important topics that could contribute to the lives of many students on campus. “Being in USG has opened me up to so many opportunities to be involved on campus. I have been on committees to write new campus policies, connected with nearly every student organization, represented the students to the administration and beyond, and participated in a host of other projects,” shares Ben Conlin, At-Large representative and USG President-Elect. 

Aspiring representatives are not only stepping into a role of leadership but also contributing to a very supportive and dedicated community. “Best of all, they will join a community of individuals who are wonderful, unique, and passionate about serving the student body and amplifying the voices of their constituents,” says Conlin. 

Student government is a great place to get involved with all things happening on campus. It serves as the cornerstone of our community, promoting engagement and driving positive change. Activities like weekly office hours and meetings are held to serve as forums with members for discussing subjects such as student concerns or collaborating with administration.

Newly elected members will take their oath of office during the USG meeting scheduled for Wednesday, Mar. 27 at 7 p.m. Students interested in learning more about USG and its role on campus can find additional information on the USG website at https://www.usgatmtu.mtu.edu/. Weekly meetings are held every Wednesday at 7 p.m. in MUB 107 (Alumni Lounge). 

Students interested in voting can use the following link to be directed to the election site: https://www.involvement.mtu.edu/submitter/election/start/580353

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