Broomball to begin its next season

Michigan Tech is the home to many unique traditions, a lot of which relate to the famous Winter Carnival held annually. One of these traditions is an intramural sport– broomball.

Broomball is a sport similar in nature to ice hockey that originated in Canada in the 19th century. It is played on a small ice rink, often naturally made, where players hit a ball around using brooms. Though more modernized versions of the sport have taken hold, the variation played at Michigan Tech is one of the most original versions. Broomballers at MTU wear normal street shoes instead of ice skates during the match, and use actual corn brooms to hit the ball around the lumpy, uneven, natural ice rinks of Walker lawn. 

Before the season begins, students are encouraged to make their own stick out of a corn broom by taping it up with duct tape. This is a messy but fun process, the full rules of which are available on the broomball website. 

Gameplay is a very physical activity, with players routinely slipping on the ice, smashing into other players, and running around, so be sure to get a good rest beforehand (and have a heated blanket for afterwards!) Players are encouraged to not be too rough, as penalties can occur, just like in ice hockey.

Broomball is a must-do for every Husky that is able to play. For the full rules, regulations, and more general info, visit the official MTU broomball website at

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