Sammy Sez Q’s

Q: I haven’t joined any clubs or gotten involved in the community at all this semester. What do you suggest that I do to get out of my dorm room?


A: I was in the same boat when I first came to MTU – I suggest searching for student orgs on Involvement Link, as well as stopping by the billboards on campus to see what events are happening. Orgs of all types (politics, languages, recreational activities, etc) are always looking for new members, and welcome students at all points in the semester. The hardest part to join an organization is getting the confidence to go to your first meeting – email the club president beforehand or attend with a friend, you got this! 


Q: The library is always too crowded, are there any other places on campus I can go to study in peace?


A: If the library is too crowded and all the study rooms have been booked (as they usually are), there are many other places on campus great for studying. The second floor of Rekhi has a large furnished area free for students to use, and you can also find study space in the lobby and first floor of Fisher. The 6th and 7th floor of DOW have study spaces in both the campus and portage sides of the building. But, if all else fails, you can just find an empty study room in the library regardless of reservation. Just be ready to skidaddle when someone comes knocking.

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