100 years ago in The Lode

Houghton Firm to Build MET Building

The long hoped for day had at last arrived; that day which we thought would never see light, for lo and behold the contract has been awarded to the Herman Gundlach Company of Houghton and the new Metallurgy Building is on its upward path rejoicing. No time was lost in getting away to a flying start. The contractors received word that the award had been made on the 7th, that night they telegraphed for material, and by the twelfth work was well under way. 

During the latter part of the term, after “Cap” and his satellites had completed the much vaunted retaining wall, there were several teams on deck removing debris and filling up the space in front of the retaining wall, preparatory to the advent of the contractors. Since Gundlach has taken charge, considerable progress has been accomplished. An office has been erected on the site, also a tool shed, a cement shed, and permanent quarters for the stone-cutters. Several of those putting in their time at M-2 have been employed in fitting the heat and water pipes for the stone-cutter’s shed so that they will all be able to work all winter on the numerous sand-stone facings required. 

The old foundations have been in part removed to make way for the fifty-five new footings, most of which are already in place. These footings are put in at depths ranging from three to ten feet and reinforced with steel, whose shipment is being awaited before work on the walls commences. 

There are now about a dozen men employed, and that number will be considerably increased as time goes on. As long as the weather permits work will continue, and it is hoped that it will be possible to get the walls well started before the Mid-Winter snows cause a suspension of operations. 

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