Indigenous Peoples Day Drum Social

On Monday, Oct. 9th, 2023, the American Indian Science and Engineering Society at Michigan Technological University hosted the Indigenous People’s Day Drum Social on the Center Diversity and Inclusion’s lawn. This holiday commemorates Indigenous people and serves as a rebuttal to Columbus Day. The event aims to ignite conversations about indigenous peoples, their culture, their histories, and their representation on campus and the surrounding community. Indigenous Peoples’ Day serves as a constructive revocation of Christopher Columbus’ legacy and, instead, uplifts the indigenous peoples whose culture, language, spirit, and land were overshadowed by the systems of colonization. 

Robert Hazen, the President of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) at Michigan Technological University and a member of the Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, says, “indigenous people feel that Americans should not celebrate a historical figure who is responsible for the genocide of millions of indigenous people, and who has also caused the dispossession of land and resources from indigenous populations. Instead, indigenous peoples have taken ownership of this federal holiday to celebrate our continued cultural and spiritual perseverance while recognizing the legacy of colonization, extermination, and assimilation and its impacts on us. Indigenous Peoples’ Day is about survival and reclamation, celebrating the survival of our people and reclaiming our culture and heritage.” 

This is the first time since 2018 that AIS hosted this event. They hoped to see students, faculty, staff, and community members come out and enjoy the songs of the indigenous people and ask questions. They are also working to build out a series of events throughout November, which will coincide with Native American Heritage Month. They are planning a library “takeover” on November 4th to host a powwow. Other events include hosting movies, game nights, discussion panels, and similar occurrences. If interested in learning more about the events or organization, don’t hesitate to contact AIS’s President, Robert Hazen, at

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