Campus construction updates

As of Monday, Oct. 2, construction has officially begun for the new residential hall planned for the east side of campus. This new residential hall will be located between the Rozsa Center and Lot 10, running along US 41. The construction is planned to remove most of the existing parking spaces in that location. This residential building will boast a capacity of 510 beds and will house mainly second-year and upper-division students. Construction is planned to be completed and open for occupancy towards the beginning of the fall 2025 semester. 

Progress on the new Engineering and Health Technologies Complex (H-STEM) has been steadily moving forward over the past few months. According to Jacob Guter, the Assistant Director for Planning and Construction, the exterior of the building is nearing a hundred percent completion. When asked about the progress, Guter explained, “Work is now starting on the outside sidewalks, around the building, and over the next month that will all be completed. On the inside, casework is in the process of being finished with the construction planned to be substantially finished by the middle of December.” After the main construction is complete, there will still be around a month and a half of furnishing and testing of the ventilation equipment. The building is expected to be officially open for use throughout February 2024. 

Located on the far west side of campus, the new Gateway Arch is also underway which will direct pedestrian traffic from College Avenue. According to Guter, “There was a snag in the construction due to supply chain hold-ups, however, everything is on track to be done by the end of October.” Since July, when construction started, student and pedestrian traffic has been redirected through the faculty parking lot located between the Alumni House and the Academic Office Building. The Gateway Arch was established from a lead gift by Mike Trewhella, Class of ’78. 

Due to the removal of parking spaces from the residential hall construction, Cliff Drive will remain a one-way road (west to east) throughout the remainder of the semester. This change will stay in effect until the construction of the new parking lot located on 7th Avenue is completed. Construction of this new parking lot officially started two weeks ago and is expected to be finished during the spring 2024 semester. With the addition of this new parking lot, 340 new parking spaces will be added to campus. 

For more information about campus construction, please visit or contact the Facilities Building at

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