Michigan Tech introduces Undeclared: Exploring Majors Program

This fall marked the beginning of the Undeclared: Exploring Majors program as an option for students seeking additional time and counseling in selecting their major at Michigan Tech.

The Exploring Majors program gives you space to find the major that’s right for you, by providing an opportunity to reflect on how to combine your interests and values with your goals and skills,” as Heather Simpson, the Program Director and Academic Advisor of Exploring Majors at Michigan Tech, stated. “Students take SA1000-Exploring Majors at Michigan Tech course, where we spend the semester hearing from students in majors across all 5 colleges while also thinking about those interests, skills, values, and goals.” 

During their first three semesters, students can explore their options without the fear of falling behind or delaying graduation. Through advising with Simpson, students can create a schedule that fits their passions. 

Simpson further noted, “When I meet with incoming students over the summer to plan their fall semester schedule, I ask about their interests, and we build their schedule accordingly. Based on their responses, we talk about what they imagine the work they will be doing is, based on the interests they share with me…. from there, I make suggestions about various majors on campus, and we look at how we can ‘try out’ those interests while ensuring the classes will count towards gen-ed and/or multiple degree audits.” 

This course is offered in the fall and spring semesters, and is open to students of any major. Students interested in changing their major to Undeclared: Exploring Majors can contact Heather Simpson (hsimpson@mtu.edu). Please visit https://www.mtu.edu/sciences-arts/undergraduate/gsa/ for additional information.

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