Spring Fling to arrive on campus soon

As students at Tech near the end of the semester, Spring Fling approaches to help destress and bring some fun to campus before finals. 

Each year Spring Fling is held on Friday of Week 13, and this year is no different. Taking place on Friday April 14 from 12 p.m. – 4 p.m., the MUB Board has Renaissance themed activities planned for all around campus. 

Students will be able to find registered organizations located across campus who have set up their own activities for students to enjoy. “Each organization is in charge of the events they host at their tables. We historically will have catered food, fun inflatables, free shirts, and other fun activities to partake in. This year, we will even have a magician walking around the event performing street magic” Maddie Reitz, a member of the event’s planning committee shares. 

Along with this, many clubs and organizations will be around campus to showcase who they are for anyone interested in ways to get involved. All of the Spring Fling activities are free for those who wish to participate.

This event is determined to occur no matter the weather; even if it rains or hails outside, a backup plan has been made to host this event in the MacInnes Student Ice Arena in the SDC. In order to keep in touch with students about this event, the MUB Board will post any updates on social media. They can be found on Instagram and Facebook at “MTU MUB Board”. 

To learn more about Spring Fling, please visit the events page on the MTU website https://events.mtu.edu/event/spring_fling_4874 


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