Spring Commencement: What you need to know

Commencement for Spring 2023 will be held on Apr. 29 at 10 a.m. for undergraduate students, and on Apr. 28 at 3 p.m. for graduate students. Both of these ceremonies will last approximately 2-3 hours and are held in the John MacInnes Student Ice Area at the Student Development Complex. Each graduating senior will be allowed to request up to 6 tickets for the ceremony; ticket requests are open now and will end on Apr. 14. For guests that cannot make it to the ceremony, there will be a live stream available to watch beginning the morning of commencement. This live stream will offer real time captioning and a recorded version will be available on the commencement website following the ceremony. 

Commencement is a time that marks a transition and a new beginning for graduating students, and is a way to celebrate all their accomplishments during their time at Michigan Tech. Applications to represent the 2023 graduating class as the student commencement speaker are currently open, and you can submit a two-page rough draft of your speech to studentaffairs@mtu.edu by March 19. This year, Dean of Students Dr. Wallace Southerland III is asking speeches to address the theme of “HuskyUP means Kindness: In this Year of Kindness at Tech, share your perspectives on the power and impact of kindness then offer advice to graduates on how they can be kind to themselves and others as they strive to create positive social change.” Be sure to apply if you would like to share your Husky story with friends and family attending the ceremony. 

Please note that the SDC is a tobacco and alcohol-free facility, and for security purposes all bags will be searched prior to entering the venue. For safety reasons, First Aid, Public Safety, and Police Services will be available at the event. Remember to show you Husky Pride and be sure to tag your social media posts with #mtugrad.

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