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Husky thoughts (Professor edition!)

For the Huskies living off campus, it can be hard to come up with meal ideas while focusing on school. This week, we asked professors “What was your favorite meal to make while you were in college?” and here’s what they had to say:

“Spaghetti pie – I would cook the noodles a little bit under what you would normally do, add sauce, then put the spaghetti in a pie tin and stick it in the oven. Once the spaghetti was cooked all the way through, I would take it out of the oven and eat the ‘pie’ with cheese on top.”

—Roger Woods, Associate Teaching Professor in Operations Management, College of Business Affiliated Senior Lecturer, Construction Management



“Beef stroganoff – it was my mother’s recipe, and it is still my go-to meal to make for the family.”

—Dr. Jacob Hiller, Associate Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering





“Macaroni and cheese – it was cheap and it was easy.”

—Sheila Milligan, Associate Teaching Professor in Accounting, College of Business

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