This week at USG


The Undergraduate Student Government met on Wednesday, Sept. 28, after skipping last week’s session due to the Fall Career Fair. The meeting was temporarily interrupted due to an impromptu protest outside the EERC due to the Senate’s concurrent vote on the Fall Break.


The deadline for Registered Student Organizations to re-register with the university was on Sept. 28. at 5 p.m. 142 out of 246 organizations have officially re-registered as of the time of printing, though the actual number of organizations that will make the cut may be higher. The final deadline for registration is Oct. 3. 


This year’s Career Fair was a success, according to Dean of Students Dr. Wallace Southerland III, “We had 374 employers represented, which is an all-time institutional record.” The Dean went on to confirm that the Spring career fair will be held in-person. 


The USG was visited by Robert Eakright, representative of the Engineering Ambassadors student organization. The group visits local K-12 schools and does STEM-related activities, and received 1120$ from the Student Activity Fund (SAF) for an educational conference.



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