Results of Dean’s hashtag poll

There has been a poll going on at the Wads front desk regarding hashtags popularized on campus by MTU Dean of Students, Dr. Wallace Southerland III. The poll, titled “What is your favorite Dean’s #hashtag?” garnered attention around campus and students were able to vote on their favorites. The hashtags gained popularity following the dean’s usage of them in his monthly email messages to students.

According to Dr. Southerland, the winning hashtag, #HuskyUP, received 109 votes. Runner up, #NoIntimateEncounters, gained 97 votes. The third hashtag, #SleepyDeanofHuskies, couldn’t even compete at 35 votes. 


The remainder of the results were as follows:

#HoldYourDrink at 25 votes

#1ProudDean at 15 votes

#GoodHuskyFun at 10 votes

#HuskyPride at 3


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