Fall break resolution passed by GSG

The Graduate Student Government held their bi-monthly meeting on March 22 in EERC 103. 

USG Resolution No. 2021-2022 #002 was passed with 100% approval across GSG. The resolution calls for a Fall Mental Break for students, where they would have a few days to catch up on work and relax from their studies.

Vice President Ranit Karmakar, who also serves as The Lode’s media manager, discussed the progress and issues he’s noticed in his office. He reported the DOW elevator is in need of complete replacement. Karmakar doesn’t have to wait long – a new elevator in DOW is coming, estimated to be about $2.1 million and expected to be operating by Summer 2023. He also mentioned a surplus of new staff to the university’s plowing services, affecting current efficiency. However, staff capacity is currently back to pre-COVID levels and ready for next season.

The session saw the election of three new positions for 2022-2023: Lisa Eggart as Vice President, Jacob Knott as Secretary, and Karlee Westrem as Treasurer. The chair elections will occur during another session in April.

President Nathan Ford presented his report, stating the treasurer position is currently vacant. Separately, all current pending grants are approved, and Ford reassured the body that the backlog of vouchers will be processed. He also discussed how residential services acknowledged the flexibility needed for housing, so a block of apartments in Upper Daniell Heights will soon be available for month-to-month releases. They look to be available for tenants in June or July 2022.

Secretary Divya Pandya reported elections coming for chair positions in the Social Committee, Professional Development Committee, Research Committee, and Public Relations Committee. 

Election nominations can include department GSG representatives, E-board members, and other graduate students. For the GSG Meet and Greet event on March 4, Pandya reported how attendees had issues with current campus shuttling. Attendees expressed interest in opening shuttles to Hancock for students, faculty, and staff.

Additional information on the GSG, including events and policies, can be found at gsg.mtu.edu.


Correction: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that presidential elections were happening in April. The elections that were happening are chair elections, not presidential elections. 


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