Husky thoughts: favorite campus buildings

Snow showers and midterms have been keeping many Michigan Tech students indoors. Our campus is full of locations great for studying, catching up with friends, or taking in the views. To honor these spots, we asked students: “What is your favorite building on campus and why?” Here is what they had to say:


“MUB. The Commons area is the best place for lunch and for meetings. Plus, events with food at the MUB are the best meals on campus.”







—Ella Faulk, third-year Mathematics student


“The M&M. I love walking the path near the Pavlis Honors College. The view of the Portage is breathtaking.”







—Grayson Rayes, third-year Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics student


“The MUB for the food and activities.”







—Jacob Rokas, third-year Business student


“Fisher, because it connects to Rekhi, and that connects to the library so I can use it when it is cold out.”







—Diamond Davis, second-year Chemistry student


“The M&M. It has the best study spaces and is often less concentrated than other buildings.”








—Caleb Minasion, third-year Materials Science and Engineering student


“Fisher. Studying in empty classrooms is nice.”







—Eric Smith, third-year Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics student

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