Blue Key: Winter Carnival changes and plans

In years past, Winter Carnival wasn’t as reliably run as it is today. The original Ice Carnival ran until 1930, when the Depression made the festival financially implausible. In 1936, Michigan Tech’s Blue Key Honor Society Chapter revived Carnival for students, faculty, and communities in nearby Houghton and the Copper Country. 

President Ian Lawrie of Blue Key emphasized the increased inclusivity Blue Key strives for this weekend. “We listen to the feedback, and we try to be as inclusive as we can.”

 Last year saw the addition of the “free-agent option” to the snow sculpting contest. According to Lawrie, it allows for more participation from students who might not be able to work with a hall or organization. 

Vice President Rachel May added how the royalty competition includes more genders for more contestants. She stated their objective is “…offering Winter Carnival to every single person on campus.” May added that more snow sport and entertainment events were added this year, as “more people wanted to do events, and we really tried to promote that.” Lawrie added that Blue Key and Film Board are offering free showings of The Greatest Showman in Fisher 135. This includes free admission and free popcorn for everyone who comes, including non-students and faculty. 

Lawrie sees Winter Carnival as “almost a service project. We help out the Tech community, the student community, and we bring people from all over here.” He admitted, “Even though I enjoyed participating in [Carnival], I enjoy planning these events more.” Lawrie finds “calm in the chaos” watching students participate in events he planned.

Before joining Blue Key, May enjoyed Winter Carnival as a break from classes and celebration of winter. As Vice President, she understands “…all the hard work and dedication people put into this celebration.” Like Lawrie, she enjoys seeing Carnival come together for students. However, the low numbers have kept the chapter’s scope of events limited.

Lawrie stated, “We’re always looking [for new members]. If anyone wants to help organize, Blue Key is looking for those members, anyone dedicated to planning these events.” He invites those interested to send a message directly: “Our emails are always being looked at by me.”

For additional information, those interested in joining can send an email to 


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