100 years ago: Carnival to climax in whirlwind game

The following article ran in the Feb. 16, 1922 issue of the M.C.M. Lode. 


With only a week to go before the Faculty and Senior hockey teams clash at the Amphidrome, members of the two aggregations are practicing and training strenuously in preparation for the classic ice event, and interest in the outcome of the contest is running high. The Faculty, being such a small and select group, is having little difficulty in arranging a strong lineup, and iti is understood that their personnel is practically fixed. The Senior officials, however, state that there are almost as many candidates for the team as there are men in the senior class, to say nothing of several dozen lower classmen who on one pretext or another attempt to make themselves eligible for a place on the Senior lineup.

“Sam” Bibb, of the Department of Mathematics, who for many years played center ice for the Chattanooga Wanderers, will probably occupy the same position on the Faculty team, and unless all the advance “dope” is wrong, he will show the youngsters a trick or two in the art of stick-handling. Coach Westphal has been named as a probable member of the team, but a rumor is in circulation that he has been caught breaking training. Whether he had been reinstated could not be learned up to a late hour last night, but if he is permitted to play, he is sure to put up a stiff fight. The Faculty officials have declined to announce their lineup, and it is suspected that they are holding a number of “dark horses” in reserve. It is believed, however, that Professor Fisher, who was frequently seen on local ice up to a few years ago, will once again unlimber his skating irons and come to the rescue of his less experienced colleagues. Other men prominently mentioned for berth on the team are Professor Cunningham, “Phil” Sisson, “Nick” Manderfield, “Andy” Sweet, Wyllys Seaman, Bob Matson, and Guy Ingersoll.

In the Senior lineup “Phoebe” Snow and “Fat” Sheldon are counted upon to do most of the scoring. Both are well known in Eastern hockey circles. A wire received last night from the manager of the Boston Arena states that Snow, who played right wing on the Maiden Martyrs, was always greeted with tremendous applause whenever he made an appearance on Boston ice, not only because of his consummate skill, but also on account of his wonderful playing form and his unruffled temper. Sheldon, though he ihsa been out of the game for several years, has shown excellent form in practice. His great speed, together with his skillful dodging and accurate shooting, should make him an invincible wing. “Mike” Fay, who is well known on Louisville ice, will probably play center for the Seniors. His skill is unquestioned, and it is popularly believed that he will be a match for the great Bibb. The Senior defense has not been announced, but it is understood that a strong and husky defense will be on hand to break up the powerful Faculty rushes. Glenn Merritt, Bob Van Pelt, and Tom Bradfield are understood to be likely candidates.

This game is scheduled for Friday, February 24, a day before the close of the Ice Carnival. While this will be a leading feature of the evening’s entertainment, it will by no means close the program. Rudolph Smith and Joe Green of the Atlas Powder Company have challenged the college to a tennis match on skates. A number of tennis men are in the field for this match, among them Van Pelt, Kranenberg, and N.S. Jackson. The game is exceedingly fast on ice, and develops some wonderful volleying. The ice gives the ball a long, fast bound which makes ground-strokes very difficult, and makes it necessary to play either close to the net or twenty or thirty feet behind the base-line.

It is also understood that “Kid” Knaebel, the Saginaw whirlwind, and “Bull” MacArthur, the Muskegon wonder, will initiate the spectators to the charms of boxing on skates. It is not known whether the contestants will be harnessed to the Warren girders overhead to prevent falling too hard on the ice, or whether they will consent to wear sofa-pillows on the back of the head.

The various “stunts” should be over by nine o’clock, after which the evening will be devoted to skating and dancing. The music will be furnished by the Houghton Band and MacNord’s Orchestra. The entire program is being timed to give it plenty of pep and variety, and plans are being made to accommodate a big crowd. The part of the gate receipts that goes to the college will be placed in the M. C. M. hockey fund. 


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