This week at USG

This week, USG discussed their vision for the future of their organization. This conversation allowed them to narrow down the areas in which they want to improve in order to provide better service to the undergraduate student body. Their vision statement is as follows: 

“We, as the Undergraduate Student Government, will use our relationship with undergraduates to determine their wants and needs and advocate on their behalf for changes that enhance the student experience. We strive to be an active component of student life by engaging in proactive outreach and seek to rectify their concerns.”

The proposal regarding increasing the Experience Tech Fee by 3% was approved. This will mean a $3 increase for undergraduate students. This funding will be used to enhance the student experience here at MTU. 

The discussion regarding the dining hall issues experienced by students on campus is ongoing. Max Schramm (First Year Representative) has worked with IRHC to send an email to the head of dining services in order to arrange a town hall-style meeting. Flex Representative and USG Vice President Ethan Gerds remarked on the idea of a “takeout” dining hall option, explaining that it will not be a widely offered option. Students looking to obtain the takeout option should email Student Disability Services. 

Five student organizations were approved to retain their SBG status until 2024. These groups are Film Board, WMTU, SLS, MUB Board, and The Lode. This status allows the organizations to act with more autonomy regarding their business functions.

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