SENSE Enterprise prepares for Marine Energy Collegiate Competition

Michigan Tech’s Strategic Education through Naval Systems Experience (SENSE) was founded in 2016. Members have engaged in many sponsor-based projects, including designing acoustic collection systems for Ford, emergency foam crafts for the Air Force and Coast Guard, and a Nautical Emergency Rescue Device (NERD) for the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community. Competitions, however, are unfamiliar waters—until now. 

The 2022 Marine Energy Collegiate Competition has tasked participants to utilize Blue Economy, a type of water-based sustainable energy which can keep the surrounding environment undisturbed. After filtering through several ideas, the team settled on their current model: an oscillating water column. The column would sit upright in the water, with the waves pushing and pulling a mechanism to generate electricity. Originally designed for ocean environments, the team has adapted it for lake use. With help from advisors, SENSE has been hard at work in the MEEM sub-basement since Sep. 2021, and is projected to have their working prototype ready for display at the Design Expo on April 10.

The competition calls not just for design, but for market research, staff interviews, and community input. Outreach at the MTU library pulled up empty nets, so the team is asking for counsel from the Michigan Tech community. Questions about Blue Energy and SENSE’s project are available in a survey. Survey information will be distributed throughout dining halls and bulletin boards by Feb. 15. It is also available at


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