100 years ago: Bill R’ares up to talk about dances

The following article ran in the Feb. 2, 1922 issue of the M.C.M. Lode. 


The dance and basketball game last Friday night was a great success from the dancer’s point of view. The music was the best that Mac-Nord ever gave us, and every one that was there hada fine time from all reports. The dance committee is pleased to find that there are at least thirty-five fellows in the three hundred in school that know a good thing when they see it. We give you a dance and charge you a dollar. Fifty fellows show up. We say, “maybe the price is too high,” so we give you a basketball game and let you dance for four hours with the best music in the country and thirty-five fellows come out. What is the answer? We pass. Some one was heard to say, “I have to study.” Good, that is what you are here for, keep it up. BUT, you dear hard working boys, there is going to be an extra day of leisure put in this short month of February, just because this country had a Father, and the dance committee is going to give you another chance to enjoy the gym floor on a night when there is no trip the next day. Get a girl for the night of Feb. 21. The 22nd is a holiday. We have a number of requests to have a stop put to the “cutting-in” at the dances and we may try it. Let us hear from you about it. Remember it is your dance, at your gym, so, have them as you like them, the committee has no mind readers on its present staff, make a noise: Tell it to Bill. 


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