This week at USG

This week, USG met with Matt Weekely, the Director of Housing Auxiliary Operations and Residence Education. Mr. Weekely answered questions regarding the changes in housing availability for those with 80+ credit hours and potential related housing shortage, as raised by USG members on behalf of their constituents. 

Mr. Weekely explained the reasoning behind this decision, discussing the surprising increase in housing applications. The bald facts of the case seem to be that there is a greater need for on-campus housing than Michigan Tech can currently supply. The current campus master plan includes increases in both housing and parking to accommodate our growing population, but these changes will not be put into effect in time to deal with the current situation. It is estimated that 80-100 students will be displaced. 

The timing of this decision has been called into question by students, as many lease agreements are settled in October or November. Those students with over 80 credit hours, while making up a small percentage of total housed students, are now faced with the incredibly stressful experience of attempting to find housing in a confusing and over-saturated market. 

Mr. Weekely expressed a desire to work with students on an individual basis to resolve their potential housing issues. He informed the body that this decision was made in the most timely manner possible, in relation to the applications received and projections based on available information. Mr. Weekely reminded representatives that “this is the start of a dialogue… if there are ideas, [Residence Education and Housing Services] wants to hear them. We [Residence Education and Housing Services] are here to serve students, we want to accommodate as many students as possible.” It is worthwhile to note that this is not the only solution MTU has implemented: the East McNair rooms, which were originally designed as triple rooms but have previously been inhabited as doubles will be reestablished as triples. There are also other potential solutions in the works which have not been formally established as of yet. If any readers have suggestions or questions, they are free to email or set up a meeting with Residence Education and Housing Services. 

Danielle Meirow from Student Leadership and Involvement informed the body that more referees are needed for Broomball. This position pays $11 an hour. Applications can be found on the broomball website. 

Dr. Southerland discussed an exciting new opportunity with the body: Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson announced the 2022-2023 Michigan collegiate Student Advisory Task Force. This group “will advise on the unique experiences of student voters, helping to ensure the voice of young people are heard in our state’s elections. The task force will also develop and enact solutions to promote voter engagement and identify resources to implement solutions.” Dr. Southerland encourages students to apply to be on this team. For more information, email Jocelyn Benson at or visit the website. 

USG is still looking to fill the following positions: 

(2) Second, Third, and Fourth Year Representatives

(1) College of Engineering Representative

(1) College of Science and Arts Representative

(1) College of Forest and Environmental Science Representative

(1) At Large Representative

(1) Residential Representative

Emily Ruf was elected to the Ways and Means committee. 

If you have any questions or concerns for USG please email USG President Zachary Olsen at or fill out the form on their website.

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