100 years ago: Vocational men make record

The following article ran in the Jan. 21, 1922 issue of the M.C.M. Lode.


The men sent to the Michigan College of Mines by the Federal Board for Vocational Training have entirely justified the confidence placed in them by the government. The work of vocational training, particularly for those enrolled in the elementary courses, has been extremely gratifying. Of the fifty-six men who, since the end of the war, have been enrolled for instruction, one has left on account of physical condition, five have been removed for failure to meet the requirements of the college, one has entered the field of business, two have transferred to other schools. The five men removed for failure bring the percentage of failures to only ten per cent, a remarkable record considering the standard of M. C. M. scholarship and the heavy handicap under which many of the men were working.

In the upper peninsula of Michigan there are over two hundred ex-service men in training under Section II of the government’s rehabilitation plan. One hundred and nine of these men saw service overseas with the 32nd Division. This places the Red Arrow men far in the lead numerically. In addition there are men from almost every division and branch of the service by our war time forces. 

The latest acquisition to the Marquette office staff is a Copper Country product, Dr. Leo P. Schroeder of Calumet. Dr. Schoreder has been appointed sub-district medical officer in charge of the upper peninsula. His duties will consist of following up the medical attention of trainees and other men receiving compensation. The doctor will also have charge of hospitalization and inspection as well. This brings the office right to the door of the beneficiary and is the latest move of the government in its scheme of decentralization.

Of over two hundred men receiving maintenance pay while taking vocational training in the upper peninsula, one hundred and six are in northern Michigan schools, while the remainder are largely taking replacement instruction in trades and business.

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