Student Newspaper at Michigan Tech University since 1921

Published Weekly on Tuesdays
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100 years ago: Concerning absences

The following article ran in the Dec. 1, 1921 issue of the M.C.M. Lode.


At the last Student meeting November 21 Dr. McNair appeared before the body to explain certain rules governing absences and the attitude of the faculty concerning absences.

As the Dr. explained, the absences this year have not assumed alarming proportions but seeking to forestall a condition which has arisen in years past. This opportunity was taken to call to mind the necessity for the regular attendance and the ultimate consequence of attendance to suit the individual taste.

We witnessed only a year ago the result of incessant absences, the loss of unity and breaking of the morale which was bound to ensue, this year increased burdens and responsibilities in every department is fair to assume that such a condition would prove a calamity. 

It is true that very few pedagogical restrictions are placed upon the students at M. C. M. They are free to follow their own instructions and all trust is placed on them as gentlemen and men who can be depended upon. Such an attitude between fellow students and the faculty is one of our fundamentals upon which we have built with great pride since our very inceptions. It is the spirit, we are determined to inculcate in the heart of every new man in our midst and a spirit antagonistic to this, we are just as determined, shall we prosper among those who are not new to our traditions. 

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