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Husky thoughts: Study tips

With final exams right around the corner, we went to the MUB to ask students, “What are your best study tips?” here is what they had to say:


“Set aside time to go through your notes and re-write them in a condensed way.”







—Brendan Powers, 3rd-year Computer Science major



“Go over all of the notes from class a few days in advance and do as many practice problems as you can.”







—Nate Learman, 3rd-year Mechanical Engineering Major



“Make sure you have a comfortable environment and take breaks as you need them.”







—Madison Hehir, 2nd-year Electrical Engineering major



“Start studying the weekend before the exam, make an outline of the topics that are on the exam, and know how to do all of the problems for those topics. Don’t study the night before, try to relax and give your brain a break.”







—Hayden Augustyniak, 3rd-year Electrical Engineering major



“Break up study times with rewards or breaks and use visual aids like notes or flashcards. Try to form groups in your classes for study partners to keep you accountable.”







—Jenna Byron, 4th-year Computer Science major

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