This week at USG

This week, Isaac Fortier presented to the body about the Leadershape organization and the upcoming four day leadership retreat, Institute. Students are encouraged to apply. The retreat costs $100 per person, though this sum should not deter students from applying — many RSO’s have historically helped students in need obtain the funding necessary to attend the event.

USG voted to welcome Emily Ruf as a Residential Representative. Ethan Gerds was elected by the body as Vice President Elect, set to replace Sydney Dankert as Vice President after her resignation. 

The Fourth Year Representative, Davi Sprague, addressed the body and brought up concerns raised by numerous students over the effectiveness of the MySSP App. These concerns will be further addressed after Sprague and the Secretary of USG meet with the interim chair of the Student Mental Health and Wellness program. 

USG would like to again ask undergraduate students to vote on the updates to their constitution. 345 votes are needed to approve the updates. Students can read the revisions and rationale and vote on them from their email inbox with the subject line, “USG needs your vote for Constitution revisions!”

USG would like to remind students to drive safely over the holiday break. Vehicular accidents are one of the leading causes of death among college-age Americans. Check your tire pressure, pull over if you’re tired, and drive slow on ice and snow. 

If you have any questions or concerns for USG please email USG President Zachary Olsen at or fill out the form on their website.



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