Mount Bohemia voted #2 in poll of top ski slopes in America

A breathtaking view of Mount Bohemia’s slopes.

In a recent poll in USA Today, Mount Bohemia was voted the second-best ski slope in the country. Located in the northern portion of the Keweenaw Peninsula, Mount Bohemia’s size and shape as well as the weather it experiences led readers to classify it as one of the very best spots for downhill skiing. The geological feature is tall enough for great vertical distance and lengthy runs, and the amount and quality of its precipitation is ideal. In other words, it has all the makings of a perfect ski hill.

Mount Bohemia’s location in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is also unique- all other ski slopes in the top 20 are located in the western part of the U.S. Only Winter Park Resort in Colorado scored higher on USA Today’s list.

The Keweenaw Convention and Visitors Bureau made an announcement about the honor on Keweenaw Report. Truly, Mount Bohemia is a point of pride for residents of the Upper Peninsula and will make the bucket list of any skiing aficionados.

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