Keweenaw Land Trust presents Deep Winter Concert in L’Anse

As we gear up for Winter Carnival and the weather gets colder, the roads get snowier and the air gets frostier, it’s important to take a look at the amazing effect that culture in all its various forms has on our lives. From engineering to create the snow statues to art that inspires, the Keweenaw is warm with the comfort of life and values.

This weekend, the Keweenaw Land Trust is hosting a concert at the Whirl-I-Gig in L’Anse, MI. This is a live music event and will feature the band Red Tail Ring, a Michigan group that pairs old-time roots with new-time sounds. Laurel Premo and Michael Beauchamp create unique and downhome music that gets its foundation in original folk music and traditional ballads which they create with banjo, fiddle, guitar and harmonizing. The music is gentle on the ears and as beautiful as the natural land around us.

The Keweenaw Land Trust is a community partner protecting land, water and quality of life through conservation, stewardship and education. It was founded in 1996 by local residents to protect and restore the beauty of the Copper Country.

The concert will be at 7 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 25 and is $12 for adults and free for children 12 and under.

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