Upcoming MUB events

December is here and so are the dark clouds of finals looming over the students. But before the carnage begins, there’s a chance to have some fun in the next week with two interesting events being organized back-to-back on Dec. 8 and 9.
The Memorial Union Board has organized an epic game of tag combined with the traditional game of archery. Instead of the regular archery game, this game of tag lets you showcase your archery skills. This game will take place on the upcoming Saturday, Dec. 9 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. in the SDC Wood Gym. All students are welcomed to display their marksmanship skills.

When asked whether such an unorthodox event would be something students would like to be a part of, master’s student Amol Bhirade from the department og mechanical engineering revealed his excitement. “Yes, it surely sounds like fun and I have already RSVP’d for it. Events like these help us blow off some steam,” he grinned.

Another graduate student, Dilip Singh, was asked about his views of the Memorial Union Board organizing such events. “I would rather go for the face painting. Archery is not my thing, but face painting sure does sound interesting.”
The face painting event is on Friday, Dec. 8 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. where Husky Pride designs will be painted on the faces of interested participants by the MUB Board members. There will be preselected designs and colors to choose from. The face paint used is harmless on the skin. The event will be set up just inside the ice arena by the Experience Tech entrance at the John Macinnes Student Ice Arena. All students are welcome to show their love for hockey and the Husky Hockey team by getting their face painted.

Both these events are free for everyone as they are being hosted by the MUB Board. Students can RSVP their entry for Archery Tag any time before the actual event. To add these events to your Google Calendar and send out the RSVP, visit the website http://www.involvement.mtu.edu/event/. To know more about events, students can visit the Michigan Tech Events Calendar or can subscribe to the Memorial Union Board for regular updates.

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