The Glass Menagerie beginning next weekend

Michigan Tech’s Visual and Performing Arts Department presents The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams. The performance will be in the McArdle Theater, located on the second floor of the Walker Arts and Humanities Center. Tickets are available now on Tech’s official ticket website, the Rosza box office, and will also be sold at the door, including Student Rush. Pricing is pay as you are able with a full fee of $15. There will be multiple opportunities to attend shows Nov.13 through the 16 starting at 7:30 p.m.. The show runs two hours including intermission.

The Glass Menagerie premiered in Chicago in 1944, focusing largely on playwright Tennessee Williams’ real life struggles. The story focuses on Amanda and her two children, Laura and Tom, in St. Louis during the Great Depression. Themes of escapism, family dynamics, and the weight of dreams are explored in the play’s plot. The playwright, Tennessee Williams is a Pulitzer Prize winner. This play was the foundation of his future success. 

The Glass Menagerie is directed by assistant professor of the Visual and Performing Arts Department Nich Radcliffe. Radcliffe has 25 years of professional and academic experience, and spent most of his career in Chicago, both leading and directing shows. Radcliffe was excited to share how working on The Glass Menagerie has been going, saying, “This is the most talented group of undergraduate students that I have ever worked with, everyone has worked super hard and looks amazing, the lead especially is an absolute powerhouse.” Visit for ticketing and more details. 

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