Joseph Kishore

Joseph Kishore, along with running mate Jerry White, is running for President of the United States under the Socialist Equality Party. Their party motto is “Against Capitalism, Inequality, War, and Dictatorship!” Joseph was born in Detroit in 1980, and has been a member of the Socialist party for much of his life, and has been the party secretary since 2008. On many key issues, Kishore follows the Socialist Equality Party platform. 

Abortion: Kishore is pro-choice, and is critical of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade. 

Border security: Kishore is against increasing security on the US-Mexico border, instead saying, “The working class must uphold the principle of open borders–the right of workers to live and work in whatever country they choose with full citizenship rights.” 

Climate change: Kishore and the Socialist Equality Party support strong measures to move toward renewable energy. These include the nationalization of energy providers in order to promote renewables, as well as massive investment in infrastructure such as public transportation and climate-safe housing. The Socialist Equality Party says that “Only a socialist reorganization of the global economy can marshal the resources and planning necessary to address climate change and secure a sustainable future for humanity.”

Crime and guns: Kishore does not endorse the death penalty, stating, “The death penalty is a barbaric institution that expresses the brutality and violence of the capitalist state.” Kishore believes the justice system needs to do a better job examining cases. 

Economy: Kishore supports increases on corporate taxes, and a progressive income tax that “places the burden of taxation on the rich while lowering taxes for the vast majority of the population.” He also supports the cancellation of household and student debt. 

Healthcare: Kishore and the Socialist Equality Party support universal healthcare, stating it should be “free and accessible to everyone.”

Foreign policy: Kishore has been especially vocal on international relations, publishing many articles and making many speeches focused on the Israel-Palestine conflict, which he has called a genocide, and the international actions on that conflict, especially the US’s involvement. Kishore is also vocal on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, stating that conflict, as well as the Israel-Palestine conflict, are “two fronts in a rapidly escalating world war.” He says that the Ukraine conflict is a result of NATO expansion eastward, and is critical of “fascists in Ukraine.”

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