Chase Oliver

Chase Oliver, a former candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate in Georgia, is the presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party in the 2024 election. His running mate is Mike ter Maat, a former economist and police officer.

Abortion: Chase Oliver is pro-choice. On his campaign website, he states that he will “encourage states to decriminalize abortions. These medical decisions should be left to the individuals and their doctors.” Oliver announced on his campaign website that “no government shall have the authority to inhibit access to abortion before viability” if he is elected president. Oliver is also against tax-payer funding of abortions and supports the Hyde Amendment, which blocks federally funded abortion.

Border security: Oliver has wanted to return to an “Ellis Island style of processing immigrants,” with the goal of making it as easy as possible for non-criminals to come into the country. He supports Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and the expansion of the startup visa, wanting to make a “simpler path to citizenship for immigrants who are already here.”

Climate change: Oliver is a strong proponent of nuclear power, saying “nuclear power is greater than fossil fuels. It’s cleaner, safer, more efficient, and helps curb the negative effects of climate change. Solar and wind and others also have their place too, but nuclear power is what we need to power the 21st century.” As president, Oliver also wants to allow the sale of insurance across state lines, allow the import of drugs, and “make all health care expenses fully tax deductible” to lower the cost of healthcare.

Crime and Guns: Oliver has stated that he does not support any new gun restrictions, believing that it is the right of citizens to own arms. If elected, Oliver will work to repeal the gun restrictions that are in place now. Oliver is also a staunch supporter of criminal justice reform, fighting to “remove all federal laws criminalizing cannabis” and eliminate qualified immunity for police officers.  

Economy: Oliver supports ending all tariffs, eliminating the IRS, ending social security, and repealing the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which allows the federal government to create a federal income tax. Oliver believes that excessive inflation is caused by “massive overspending from the government” and wants to “reduce federal spending to pre-pandemic levels.”

Healthcare: Oliver believes that government overregulation is the cause of the high cost of healthcare. Oliver promotes medical price transparency, making all health care expenses fully tax deductible, removing coverage mandates, allowance of import of drugs, as well as sale of insurance across state lines. Oliver would end the practice of evergreen patents, which he feels are responsible for keeping drug costs high. 

Foreign policy: Oliver has pledged to “end discretionary military interventionism” if he is elected president. Under his plan, he would send all current active-duty military personnel to domestic bases, closing all overseas bases. He would also end all aid to Israel and Ukraine. 

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