Student Newspaper at Michigan Tech University since 1921

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Quiet Living; The lost fiber arts

Today, lost fiber arts are not so lost. Fiber arts are any form of fine art that uses natural or synthetic fiber, like fabric and yarn. Some examples of fiber arts are sewing, embroidery, weaving, crocheting, and so many more.

For many decades, the secrets of these arts were passed down through families and friends. However, with the introduction of the internet most of these arts are more accessible. Nowadays you hear less about people learning how to create from their ancestors and more about people learning from means such as YouTube. 

Sara Fredrickson, an avid sewer and embroiderer once said, “I love the creativity of it, how you start with fabric or yarn, and it turns into something magical.” Many who partake in these arts find them fun, relaxing, and just as much rewarding.  

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