Husky Homecoming one week away

Michigan Tech’s 2024 Homecoming, themed “Husky Survivor,” kicks off next week. Festivities begin on Sunday, Sep. 29, and culminates with the Homecoming football game and crowning of royalty on Saturday, Oct. 5. Events range from athletic challenges to creative contests, with competing teams being able to score points in events.

One of the major highlights is the 3.14 mile “Pi Mile” charity run, starting at 10 a.m. on Sep. 29. This event is followed by team activities like the Tug-of-War and Kickball Tournament later that afternoon as part of the “Husky Ninja Warrior” competition.

The Immunity Challenge goes along with the “Survivor” theme. According to Amy Hjerstedt from Student Leadership and Involvement, “Each morning, SLI will hide the “idol” somewhere on campus and give a clue on our Instagram account as to where it could be. Individuals who find the idol will win a water bottle or a free parking pass–whichever they choose. The idol competition concludes each evening at 4:30 p.m. so the SLI team can hide the idol for the next day. If a team finds the idol, they will receive points for their team that will go towards their overall score for the week.” The Hidden Immunity Idol Search begins at 9 a.m. and offers 25 points to the first team to locate the idol each day. 

Later in the day on Sep. 30, there are more events like “Chalk Master,” “‘Shirt or no Shirt’ Shirt Swap,” and the Lip Sync Battle. This year the event will be held at the Rozsa and will feature 15 songs. 

Other notable events include “Minute to Win It” on Oct. 1, “Are You Smarter Than a Wildcat?” trivia night on Oct. 2, and the Homecoming Court Judging/Dinner on Oct. 3.

Friday, Oct. 4, features the “Amazing Race” and the Cardboard Boat Races at Centennial Park. This is a change from the original location for the cardboard boat races, so be sure to make plans accordingly. Fans can also participate in “Fans in the Stands” during the Women’s Soccer and Volleyball games later that day.

The Homecoming festivities wrap up on Saturday, Oct. 5, with a tailgate and the Homecoming football game at Kearly Stadium, where the Homecoming Royalty will be crowned. The day’s activities finish up with a Cornhole Tournament and a Men’s Hockey exhibition game between Michigan Tech and rival Northern Michigan University.

The Homecoming committee encourages students to be active on social media, and to tag #HuskyGames2024. More information related to the specific events, times, and team scoring can be found in the MTU “Homecoming Info Packet 2024” on the Homecoming week Involvement Link, available at

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