Career Fair advice for underrepresented majors

Many students are wondering what Michigan Tech’s Career Fair has to offer them. Career Services advises students who may not be represented at Career Fair to attend regardless to seek out hidden opportunities and get valuable practice. 

Career services recognizes that not all fields of study are represented at Career Fair. For those students who don’t have a booth to go to, Career Services has some advice. First and foremost, they recommend that you attend anyways. According to Natalie Anderson, an Advisor for Career Readiness and Professional Development at the Career Services office, companies who may not be directly looking for what you offer may still have a need that you can fulfill. Starting a conversation with a recruiter and talking about your interests, problem solving skills, and flexibility can show where you might fit in with the company. 

Anderson also mentioned that at the very least, it’s just good practice. If you’re not expecting to find a company who is looking for you, why not take the time to get more face to face time with recruiters? The stakes are low, and there’s lots of chances to practice for when you find yourself in future interviews. Anderson left the following advice for students who aren’t represented at Career Fair, “Keep going, practice, and everything is an opportunity.” Career Services also encourages students to take advantage of other channels for job opportunities such as Handshake and MTU’s social media. Jim Desrochers, Director for Employer Relations, says, “Students are also always welcome to come to Career Services to set up an appointment… maybe we need to help a student make a custom strategy… it’s just a question of coming up with a strategy and sending some connections out.”

Career Fair will take place Tuesday, Sep. 24, from noon to 5 p.m. at the Student Development Complex.


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