Keweenawesomefest 2017

As many of us migrate back to Michigan Tech after spring break, there’s some students who wish the break would continue. Spring break was much needed last week. It gave everyone an opportunity to catch up on school work, sleep, and a chance to organize their schedules for the fall semester. Typically, spring break is a time when college students party for the week, but just because spring break has ended doesn’t mean the parties are over.

Luckily, Keweenawesomefest is starting later this week. Houghton’s annual music festival, or Keweenawesomefest, is a large concert which runs from 6 p.m. to midnight on March 17 and 18. Hosted by WMTU 91.9, there will be six acts each night, making it a grand total of 12 amazing performances. Friday night’s lineup consist of “Hero Jr.,” Never Doubt the Worm,” “Rivals,” “Highlight Reel,” “The

Four Horsemen” and “We Should Be Laughing.” “Cory Wong,” “The Autumnatic,” “Clem,” “Hightide,” “Fault Choir” and “Lake of Shadows” all play on Saturday night. The music festival will be held in the McArdle Theatre in the Walker Arts and Humanities Center. Students majoring in Visual and Performing Arts will oversee the lighting and sound. The experience will surely be amazing with the use of professional stage lighting and sound systems. The doors are set to open at 5:30 p.m. and the music will start at 6 p.m. but make sure to arrive on time to get spots close to the stage.

Tickets will be sold at the door as well. It is $5 for one night and $8 for both nights. If you miss the loud, bass filled music and the bright colorful lights found in almost every party, then the Keweenawesomefest would be perfect for you. Don’t let spring break end quite yet, enjoy one more music filled weekend before getting back into the swing of school again.

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