Copper Shores Community Health Foundation recent events

On Sep. 12th, the Copper Shores Community Health Foundation had a collaboration with Michigan Tech. Their aim is to support victims of sexual assault and spread awareness of mental health. The event, called “Bracelets for Survivors,” allows students and faculty to engage together and support victims. This foundation has a clear message; they want to show there is a community of support within our local community and that no one has to feel alone. 

Copper Shores also had its eighth annual suicide prevention walk at Reymond Kestner Waterfront Park on Sep. 14. This collaboration between Copper Shores and Houghton Keweenaw Suicide Prevention Coalition promotes awareness, provides support, and highlights valuable local resources dedicated to suicide prevention. 

Callisto Cortez gave an empowering speech highlighting her and her family’s own struggles, and what others can do if they need help. “Suicide has effected my life since before I was born,” said Cortez during her speech. She also wants people to be more open and aware of not only their own issues, but other’s issues as well. This can affect a family of any age and cause serious internal issues within. 

Support and understanding is the key that some people need for healing and to better themselves. The right support is also important for helping families. Having someone to talk about your feelings in depth can be critical too. Also, constantly trying to escape pain and not focusing on it head-on is an issue. Deflection and escapism may help in the moment, but not long term. Cortez doesn’t want suicide to be a sign of weakness, but a symptom of the health challenges people face every day. Cortez wants to create a culture of help; not just a community. 

The events also allowed students to learn more about Copper Shores. Rachel Lamppa, one of the Victims Advocates at Copper Shores said,  “It’s important that students are aware of [their] other services,” including being one of the few off-campus resources that provides confidential support for those who have experienced sexual assault or any type of violence. Copper Shores Community Health Foundation has Victim Advocates on call 24/7, which can be contacted by email at or by calling their crisis call line at (906)-482-5797. Copper Shores and Title IX will also be on campus for the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event in October. 

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