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University Senate convenes for the semester

Last Thursday, the University Senate held their first weekly meeting of the semester. Current Senate President, Dr. Robert Hutchinson, presided over the meeting. The Senate will be running differently this year. Instead of 2-hour biweekly night meetings, they will be running shorter daytime meetings every week. This change was made so it was easier for members to attend. Many also welcome the shorter meeting time. 

Dr. Hutchinson presented his President’s report aimed at onboarding new members, who typically account for a third of the Senate. The presentation defined the senate’s goals, expectations, and responsibilities, including promoting ethical behavior and providing oversight of academic quality, among other items. The report also outlined how the senate operates, and how proposals are addressed. Committee forming was also addressed and was planned to be finalized within the coming week. 

Dr. Hutchinson then went on to address unfinished Senate business concerning the 2024-2025 Senate Budget, Proposal 26-24. Vice President Paige Short addressed the assembly, and raised concern for the lack of budget allocation for the Vice President, as compared to the President and Secretary’s budget. However, the budget was passed unanimously. The new fiscal year budget of $127,861.74 marks a considerable rise in spending from 2023-2024’s budget (proposal 40-23) of $92,459.20, with the Senate’s full-time aide and President position seeing considerable compensation increases. 

University Senate meetings are held weekly in room 102 of the Chemical Science Building from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Thursdays. For more information visit the University Senate website at

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