Social district; good or bad idea for downtown Houghton?

The intent of the new downtown social district is to allow for outside drinking, but does that work with a college town atmosphere? Some students are excited for the new social district. Brad Busby, a student at MTU, says, “It’s an awesome addition to the community and allows for social networking outside of the bars.” 

MTU student Isaac Lung said, “The social district provides many opportunities for the general public and college kids to make memories and share the joys of life.” 

However, some students are wary. Nathan Price states,“The social district does not allow for any positives to the community besides drinking. There is no addition to downtown besides more drunk people.” 

Both sides make valid points.he social district has three bars/restaurants licensed to serve drinks to be taken outside. This will help not having a flood of drunk college students from every bar wandering the streets. The three businesses that are allowed to serve in the district are The Den, Ambassador Restaurant, and Keweenaw Brewing Company. The social district in downtown Houghton spans from the Downtowner to the Doghouse following the Portage Canal Waterfront. The City of Houghton website has a form for local businesses to apply to be involved in the new social district, with a strict set of rules. The social district will show the city if it’s possible to trust college students, and the general public, to be drinking outside and leave the city clean. The ability for drinks to be given to minors outside of bars is also an issue that does not have a set solution yet. Overall, the social district will allow for more social networking, but raises concerns for another part of the social district for those who do not drink, or are not of-age.

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