GSG meeting, Sep. 3

The Graduate Student Government (GSG) had its first general body meeting of the fall semester last Tuesday, Sep. 3. It started with Dr. Will Cantrell, Dean of the Graduate School, briefly welcoming everyone back for the new year. He continued, saying that he encourages representatives to bring questions and concerns from constituents at future meetings. 

The meeting continued into the executive board and committee reports. Friday coffee chats will be happening at 10 a.m. every week in the Grad Commons House for anyone who would like to chat with the president. For students looking at purchasing health insurance through the university, there will be an info session announced at a later date.

The McNair Scholars program is looking for tutors in specific classes, and encourages students to contact their representatives for more details. Emails may be found on the GSG website, Also, the Public Relations committee is looking to showcase research projects from around the school. Email if interested. 

In upcoming events, The Innovation Showcase Student Poster Contest will be hosted on Sep. 19. There will be a workshop on Sep. 26 from 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. about applying for faculty positions. Three Minute Thesis (3MT) is tentatively scheduled for the first week of November. Final details will be coming out later this month. The next event, The First Friday Socials, will be held on Oct. 6 at the Grad Commons House, and is open to any grad students. 

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