Copper Shores Community Health Foundation hosts event in support of sexual assault survivors

Copper Shores Community Health Foundation (CSCHF) is hosting an event on Sep. 12 on Walker Lawn in support of survivors of sexual assault from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. At the event, students will be making bracelets while sharing personal experiences. Michigan Tech’s Title IX office is also helping to organize this event. CSCHF will also be bringing stickers, magnets, and pamphlets filled with information about the foundation itself, as well as resources for students that may be struggling. 

When asked about ways CSCHF can help people, Victim Advocate Rachel Lampa said, “We can help get them counseling off campus, provide safety resources like mace and personal alarms, and support and accompany them to court, the police station and sexual assault forensic exams.” This is not the first interaction the foundation has had with MTU and hopefully will not be the last. For more information about CSCHF, head to . 

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