World Report: March 16

Disney film “reviewed” abroad

While American audiences are anticipat­ing the release of Disney’s live-action re­make of “Beauty and the Beast” on March 17, release dates in other countries are being pushed back to allow for review of themes in the film, according to the BBC. It was announced last week that the film was being reviewed in Russia for the pos­sible inclusion of “gay propaganda,” and while the Russian Culture Ministry is al­lowing the film to be shown with the near equivalent of an R rating in America, the Malaysian release is now also on hold for an unspecified in­ternal review.

Strikes ground flights in Berlin

Ground crews at the Tegel and Schoene­feld airports in Berlin on Monday and Fri­day have caused the cancellation of nearly 1400 flights combined, according to the BBC. The strike, which has caused com­plications for several airlines throughout Europe, is the result of mounting tension between the Berlin airline industry and a union representing ground workers – in­cluding baggage handlers, check-in service and directing planes down the runway – who are demanding a raise to the equiva­lent of $12.80 per hour from their current pay of around $10.31 per hour.

Abbas invited to White House

After hosting Israeli Prime Minister Ben­jamin Netanyahu, President Trump has invited Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, to visit the White House in the near future, accord­ing to the BBC. While Abbas has yet to respond, he has expressed plea­sure with Trump’s dedication to the two-state solution, which been supported by the United States for decades. While the United States has traditionally been Isreal-leaning, Trump suggested that Netanyahu “hold back on settlements” during their meeting last month. Addressing the controversial issue of Israeli settlements likely made a strong impression on Abbas.

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