Standing in the middle of belief

No religion promises the capability to continue on in this existence. Once I am dead, I will not be capable of having children. I will no longer be able to write or read. My life will be like a carelessly cast stone onto a smooth pond. Once I’m gone all that will be left is ripples. I have no desire to live my life on the promises of others. I do not need to believe in a God to be as holy as a saint and there exist a multitude of examples of those who have fully believed in their God while committing crimes.

Instead of searching for the Ten Commandments, be the Ten Commandments. Do not look to others to compare or judge yourself to. In the end, living is its own form of suicide. It is not important that a person picks one side or another. Any promises that will be paid after death is of no use to us in this life and just choosing a side takes you nowhere. I counter that it is more important to live right now, attempting to excel to our highest level and achieve our dreams in the present, instead of worrying about the future.

Death is the clock that keeps on ticking. Every moment is just another step that is taking us to our eventual demise. The gardener of life knows no bounds to the picking of whatever flower and many of us fear this final event. I have been told quite often that I need to get myself straight. If I fear death so much, I should decide if I believe in God or not.

My grandparents pressed this against me. Friends have pressed this against me. People I don’t know and don’t know me have pressed this against me. I do not think it is necessary for me to believe or not to. Life is not black and white, with us or against us. I have chosen to live now in the present. When an individual looks at a water lily, it has wet its petals but floats above. I am not avoiding any question about death because that is impossible.

We will all die. By living I am dying, and death does not scare me. What scares me is not being here, right now.

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